Enhanced Graphs & Networks

Enhanced Graphs & Networks in Mathematica 10

With framework-wide support of mixed graphs and multigraphs, 3D graph visualization, and powerful computational capabilities—all beautifully integrated in the Wolfram Language - Version 10 makes it easy to model, analyze, and synthesize graphs and networks better than ever.

  • Framework-wide support of multigraphs. »
  • Framework-wide support of mixed graphs. »
  • Built-in 3D graph visualization. »
  • New and optimized graph layouts. »
  • State-of-the-art solver for the traveling salesman problem. »
  • Efficient spanning trees and graph operations. »
  • Full suite of paths and connectivity capabilities. »
  • Comprehensive support for cycle computations. »
  • Enhanced graph isomorphism computations. »
  • New functionality for reachability relations. »
  • New graph polynomials, including Tutte polynomials. »
  • Full integration into the Wolfram Language.

3D Graph Visualization »

Gallery of 3D Layouts »

4D and Higher-Dimensional Layouts »

Application-Specific Graph Drawing »

World Tour Planning »

Maze Generator »

Continuous-Line Drawing »

Dog-Friendly Walkways »

Analyze an Electric Circuit »

Reliability of Power Grids »

Identify Chemical Molecules »

Build a Fiber-Optic Network »

Model Graphs & Networks with Multigraphs and Mixed Graphs »

Solve the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg Problem »

Use Multiparadigm Approach to Graph Programming »

Discover New Results »

Graph & Network Support in Software »

State-of-the-Art Traveling Salesman »

Enhanced Graph Drawing »
Fast Spanning Tree »