How to find us

Soft- und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 22b
D-61381 Friedrichsdorf/Ts.
Telefon: +49 (0)6172 5905-0

With public transportation:
From Frankfurt main station with line S5, take the bus No. 53 to Burgholzhausen, stop Max-Planck-Straße. In the Max-Planck-Straße after 230 m turn left into Max-Planck-Straße, at the end of the street on the right side you find our building.

By car coming from the north:
Motorway A5 - exit Friedberg, direction Friedrichsdorf (B455). At the first traffic light turn left (direction Burgholzhausen, Karben). Follow the route to the exit Burgholzhausen/Gewerbegebiet on the left side. Some meters beyond the exit you reach a roundabout. Here you take the first exit (direction Friedrichsdorf, Gewerbegebiet). 
You cross over the motorway. Take the first turnoff right (Max-Planck-Straße) and beyond 500 m turn right again. At the end of the street, on the right side you find our building.

By car coming from the south:
Motorway up to junction Bad Homburger Kreuz going to Motorway A661 direction Bad Homburg. 2nd Bad Homburg exit (Bad Homburg, Oberursel) road B455 direction Friedberg, Friedrichsdorf. After 2,78km in Friedrichsdorf turn right into L3415\Hugenottenstraße direction (Gewerbegebiet, Max-Planck-Straße, Burgholzhausen). After the railroad crossing take the first street left into the Max-Planck-Straße after 230m turn left into Max-Planck-Straße. On the right hand side you find our building.

General location plan

Directions coming from the east, west or south

Directions coming form the north