Logo Lingo


Easy and Fast Modelling

LINGO combines a graphical development environment, a mathematical modelling language for formulating models and powerful solvers for solving optimization tasks. The key element of LINGO is the mathematical modeling language, which offers the possibility to formulate tasks in an understandable way. The development environment offers syntax highlighting and can display the solution information text-based or graphically. Several optional solvers are available, for example for alternative solution methods or non-linear models. A detailed list of solvers can be found here.

New Version:

What's New

Convenient Options for Obtaining Information

LINGO allows the creation of models that receive their information directly from databases and spreadsheet programs. Later, the calculated solution information can be written back into a database or spreadsheet program so that reports can be generated with the desired application.

Dynamic Link Library and OLE Interface

The functionality of LINGO can be embedded in your own applications created in a Windows development environment such as C#.NET, VB.NET, Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi using the callable DLL or OLE interface. The custom application can either serve as the front end for the optimization problem or only create the solution and associated reports.

Screenshot LINGO

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