ADDITIVE Company Profile

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Compute • Visualize • Automate

ADDITIVE Soft- und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft GmbH is a system vendor creating solutions for measurement technology and technical, scientific applications based on standard products and individual engineering services for more than 30 years now. From simple software solutions by means of standard products via smaller and middle-sized desktop applications up to complete enterprise solutions - ADDITIVE offers the appropriate solutions with customized application projects and full-service concepts. ADDITIVE addresses various market sectors in nearly all industries, e.g. aerospace, automotive, automation, mechanical and plant engineering, energy economics, chemistry/pharmacology/life science, finance, insurance and IT services, as well as the complete German research landscape and almost all academic institutions. The technological key to stability and continuing growth is to serve these diverse, yet technically related markets.

Solutions offered by ADDITIVE cover topics like:

  • integration of Industry 4.0
  • Data Mining, Big Data
  • predictive analysis, predictive maintenance
  • data analysis and data visualization
  • computation, modelling and simulation
  • statistical quality management
  • computational chemistry and cheminformatics
  • workflow automation
  • database access
  • web-based applications
  • networks, network security, internet integration
  • Cloud services, cloud computing

ADDITIVE markets the following premium products: Mathematica, Origin, Minitab, ADDITIVE-Cloud-Services.

For these solution topics and premium products, our employees from various engineering fields of expertise, organized in three business units - SOFTWARE, IT-SERVICE and ADDITIVE TRAINING –, are available to create an additional value for the customers' applications together with the customer.

The business unit SOFTWARE is specialized in software for mathematics and statistics, software for statistical quality management, software for finance and insurance mathematics as well as software for chemistry and life science.

The business unit IT-SERVICE is specialized in solutions for the fields of IT infrastructure, data communication and data security in company networks, database systems and web-services as well as mobile applications and communication between measurement devices. Within this context, the ADDITIVE Cloud-Services facilitate our customers the system integration Industrie 4.0. Additionally, high performance computing as well as the configuration and maintenance of computer clusters are counted to its core strengths.

ADDITIVE TRAINING aims at facilitating our customers the use of software and hardware in their respective area like measurement technology, data analysis, visualization, or statistics. Our portfolio includes different types of knowledge transfer as, for example, trainings, workshops and seminars.

Embedded in a network of employees, customers and suppliers, ADDITIVE always seeks long-term relationships. Competence, quality and customer orientation are in the forefront of this effort.
This is the engine of ADDITIVE's innovative drive as well as of its interest and capability of finding the technically and economically optimum solution for every task.

ADDITIVE has a highly-motivated, interdisciplinary team, mostly having academic training. These employees value the variety and technical challenges of their tasks as well as the spirit of cooperation and trust we cultivate with our customers, suppliers and among colleagues.

ADDITIVE is aware of its social responsibility, especially with regard to new generations of qualified labour. Therefore, several apprentices are trained in new professions such as computer specialists. ADDITIVE maintains close ties to universities and colleges located in the region. A primary way for ADDITIVE to find new employees is the provision of internships as well as the possibility for students to work on their degree thesis under the guidance of ADDITIVE.

ADDITIVE shows a steady company growth from within. Its equity capital and reinvestment rate are both above average. The main reasons for this continual and healthy development are stability and innovation. These are based on the concentration upon selected application fields, on our employees' strong motivation and on stable, long-term customer relationships.

ADDITIVE was founded in 1989, and its headquarters is located in Friedrichsdorf near the Taunus. Due to being close to Frankfurt am Main, we are able to be on any customer's site very quickly, Germany-wide as well as internationally.

ADDITIVE's Principles
Competence, Quality, Customer Orientation

The full scope of our activity is oriented toward the customer.

  • We design our organization and procedures to meet our customers' needs.
  • We cultivate active partnership with our customers and suppliers by keeping our eye on the customer's needs.
  • Our suppliers and their products are the basis for our own innovative efforts.
  • Our employees are committed to the customers' needs.

We pursue common goals.

  • We agree upon our common goals with customers, suppliers and associates.
  • Our strategic plans are directed towards providing value to the customer.
  • We communicate our plans and goals to our employees, suppliers and customers.
  • Our employees enjoy a high degree of autonomy within their own domains.
  • We measure our success by the fulfillment of targets and milestones.

We require a high degree of personal dedication and motivation.

  • Teamwork, delegation of responsibility, project management and clear decision-making are the hallmarks of our corporate culture.
  • We lead our employees by setting goals.
  • Our employees contribute to our overall success by exercising extensive personal initiative, commitment and responsibility.
  • Our employees' payments are only based on the knowledge and practical skills and the willingness of our employees to contribute this to our company.
  • We are a learning-oriented organization. This requires continuing improvement of our knowledge base and of our skills.
  • We actively support the professional and personal growth of our human capital directed to our company targets.
  • We freely circulate information and ideas at all levels of our organization.
  • We let our employees take part in our commercial success.

We trust in innovation and quality as the basis for our success.

  • We develop, promote and support innovative ideas and projects.
  • We support our customers by providing innovative products and services.
  • We use the potential of our know-how to pursue future-oriented concepts and services.
  • Our integrated Quality Management System is based on recognized standards and is under permanent development.

We act in accordance with social, cultural and ethical principle.

  • We conform to strong business ethics in our operations.
  • Cultural, ethical and social awareness are natural. This is the foundation of tolerance and mutual respect.
  • We have the conviction that quality leadership encompasses both managerial activity and social competence.
  • We give recognition for our employees' achievements and promote their interests and concerns. Our employees enjoy access to candid dialog in an atmosphere of trust.

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