UNISTAT Light Edition


UNISTAT Light is a slightly limited version of the UNISTAT statistics package and offers excellent value for money.

Compared to the UNISTAT full version, UNISTAT Light is limited as follows:

  • Data size up to a maximum of 50 columns and 1,500 rows
  • Only with English user interface
  • Macros and developer mode are not included
  • The following procedures are NOT AVAILABLE: meta analysis, nonlinear, logit/probit/gompit, logistic, multinomial, Poisson, Box-Cox regressions, multivariate analysis (cluster, discriminant, multidimensional scaling, principal components, factor, reliability) and time series analysis (ARIMA, forecasting, quality control, survival, Fourier analysis) and the optionally available "Analysis of Bioassays" module.

UNISTAT Light has all the advanced 2D/3D graphics functions of UNISTAT. The chapter headings and procedures NOT included in UNISTAT Light are marked in blue in the interactive online manual and in the PDF version.

A detailed product comparison of UNISTAT and UNISTAT Light can be found herer.

Not all product information on our website is available in English, but our sales experts are happy to assist you. Please schedule a consulation appointment via email at verkauf@additive-net.de or by phone at +49 6172 5905 - 30.