Creating Optimization Applications

The LINDO API enables the seamless integration of Lindo solvers for optimizing models in your own applications. The programming interface has been designed to focus on flexibility and ease of use. Comprehensive documentation and numerous examples help you get started.

Programming Interfaces and Influencing the Solvers

New Version:

What's new

The LINDO API has libraries for C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, .NET, Delphi, Fortran, Ox and Matlab. Each API contains extensive routines for formulating and solving different models as well as functions for modifying models and querying solutions. The LINDO API is designed to give the user as much control as possible over the solvers. As soon as the solution routine is called, the LINDO API analyzes the problem using the parameters set by the user so that optimal performance can be achieved for the problem in question. Scaling and model reduction functions are also integrated into the available solvers.

Analysis Function

Furthermore, the LINDO API contains tools that allow the analysis of infeasible or unbounded models. These tools determine the part of the model that is the source of the problem, so that the user only needs to focus on a relatively small sub-unit of the model to find errors in formulas or data. For infeasible models, the tools included in the LINDO API can find irreducibly inconsistent constraints (IIS), and for unbounded models it is possible to find irreducibly unbounded columns (IUS).

Screenshot of LINDO API

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