Machine-to-Machine M2M

M2M or Machine-to-Machine stands for the automatic data exchange between technical devices of the most different nature. These can include generators, turbines, vehicles, wind systems, aircrafts, lifting platforms etc., but the coffee machine at home as well. The M2M solution offered by ADDITIVE deals with industrial applications (not end user), whose end devices transfer information to a central server. Here, the relevant information is gathered, stored and evaluated.

Application area

  • Telematic systems
  • Transport & logistics
  • Energy
  • Construction machines
  • Automation

Machine-to-Machine Administration by Service Portal of ADDITIVE Cloud Services

Each machine in a networked M2M system has a radio module with SIM card. Via the Service Portal ADDITIVE Cloud Services, all M2M systems can be remote-controlled and monitored in real-time.Jede Maschine in einem vernetzten M2M-System hat ein Funkmodul mit SIM-Karte.

Remote control, automation and location networks

The key technology for M2M solutions consists of the mobile communication and its secure access to servers via the Cloud Services. By means of mobile communication, the comprehensive transfer and remote control has been enabled, even in locations, where no internet access hitherto existed. Thus, sensors, machines, single modules, or complete systems communicate with each other on a worldwide basis. Taken as a whole, all of this creates a perfect location network by automation. Stationary M2M applications – for example at a company site or in a machinery – can be operated by using normal internet.

Benefits of M2M

  • Increase your production considerably by efficient location network
  • Optimize and control complex processes with less effort
  • Reduce costs and employ your resources optimally
  • Save your machine communication from failures and disruptions of cable-connected networks


Basically, several components depending on each other are needed to realize machine-to-machine solutions:

  1. Hardware components (e.g. modems, industrial computers, servers etc.)
  2. Mobile communication and/or fixed network services incl. appropriate rates
  3. System integration and consulting services
  4. Applications (e.g. server applications, App on Smartphone)
  5. Operating performances