Wolfram Cloud Products

Wolfram Cloud Icon

Wolfram Research is a technology manufacturer for the technical-scientific sector in industry, research & development and academia. In addition to their desktop products - the best known of Mathematica - a range of cloud systems are available some of which can be licensed as private cloud systems, too.

Wolfram began its cloud product range with the unique search engine Wolfram|Alpha. Wolfram|Alpha is the “computational knowledge engine”, which does not provide a list of links in response to a search query, but rather a clear summary of the relevant facts - enriched with charts, diagrams and maps, depending on the topic, along with references.

WolframAlpha Icon


Wolfram|One Icon


 Select the desired product in the menu on the left!

Not all product information on our website is available in English, but our sales experts are happy to assist you. Please schedule a consulation appointment via email at mathematica@additive-net.de or by phone at +49 6172 5905 - 134.