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There is no translation available.

There is no translation available.

There is no translation available.

There is no translation available.

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  • Finanz Betrieb 7-8, August 2005, S. 523ff: Mathematica 5.1: Mathematik und Software im Finanzmanagement - Robuste Portpolio Analyse,
    U. Depczynski, © 2005 Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt: Der Bericht ist über den Autor erhältlich: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is no translation available.

There is no translation available.

There is no translation available.

  • FAZ Sonntagszeitung, 19.05.2002: A New Kind of Science:
    "Jeder ist so komplex wie das Universum"
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There is no translation available.

  • FAZ, 14.05.2002: A New Kind of Science:
    Newton, Einstein, Wolfram?
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