Quality Trainer

Quality Trainer®

E-learning course that teaches statistics and how to analyse your data with Minitab.

Quality Trainer® is a multi language E-Learning-Course (main language English) that provides easy access to the statistical and quality improvement expertise delivered in Minitab training, whenever you need it. A Quality Trainer subscription lets you sharpen your ability to apply quality statistics with Minitab on your own schedule and refresh your knowledge anytime. Engaging, interactive lessons based on real-world problems make concepts easy to grasp and retain. With affordable subscriptions for groups or individuals, Quality Trainer helps ensure statistics are used properly and consistently within your quality improvement program.

Quality Trainer in Action
Quality Trainer in Action


Quality Trainer covers essential topics of statistics:

Screencast: Produkttour des Quality Trainer
Screencast: Quality Trainer product tour
  • Descriptive Statistics and Graphical Analysis
  • Statistical Inference
  • Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals
  • Control Charts
  • Process Capability
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Correlation and Regression
  • Measurement Systems Analysis
  • Design of Experiments
  • Multiple Regression
  • Predictive Analytivs (e. g. machine learning)

Not all product information on our website is available in English, but our sales experts are happy to assist you. Please schedule a consulation appointment via email at minitab@additive-net.de or by phone at +49 6172 5905 - 132.