Wolfram Premier Service

The WolframPremier Service is a comprehensive program of exclusive services and discounts designed to save you time and money and boost your productivity.

  • 1 year service contract if renewed continuously
  • Automatic access to software updates via download, CD-Service for a fee of 25 EUR
  • Top-priority technical support
  • Complimentary home-use licensing, and other software
  • Special discounts on software, training, and events
  • Subscriptions that are renewed from 1 to 90 days past the due date will be charged the regular Premier Service list price, and the Premier Service start date will be back dated to the date it expired. If an update has been released, update cost will also apply. If the due date was 12-Aug-2012, after renewal the subscription would go from 12-Aug-2012 thru 12-Aug-2013.
  • Subscriptions that are renewed over 90 days past the due date will not be back-dated, but will be charged the regular list price + 20% late renewal up-charge. If an update has been released, update cost will also apply.

ADDITIVE is the only fully Wolfram Research Certified Partner (training, consulting, sales, support) in German speaking Europe, that offers Wolfram Research certified training in English and German with an additional set of training in engineering applications. ADDITIVE is a solution and technology partner with an interdisciplinary team of scientists, that works together with you to solve your applications.

If you buy the Premier Service you get access to the Wolfram User Portal (access via http://user.wolfram.com). The Wolfram User Portal allows you to securely access license and service information for all of your Wolfram products and provides a single sign-in system for many Wolfram web services.

Access to the Wolfram User Portal

  • View your registered products
  • Download your products and upgrades
  • Access your Premier Service benefits
  • Manage your profile