Origin/OriginPro - License Types

Origin and OriginPro can be used under different license types. Single user and group packages are available for installation on specified computers as well as network licenses for multiple users, up to institution- or company-wide site license.

Additionally, Origin/OriginPro can be used in an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) solution for manufacturers of scientific instruments.

If desired, we will gladly consult you. Please simply give us a call under +49 6172 5905 30 or send an e-mail to origin@additive-net.de.
Price information about Origin can also be found in our ADDITIVE eShop.

ADDITIVE Professional Service

For each license, an appropriate service contract, the so-called "ADDITIVE Professional Service", can be purchased.

If desired, we will gladly consult you. Please simply give us a call under +49 6172 5905 30 or send an e-mail to origin@additive-net.de.

Individual Licenses

Individual Licenses wtih right of use according to the manufactorer's conditions: You can install the software on one (1) computer. A license file must be obtained from the OriginLab website to lock the software to that computer.

License type: Individual user license

Description: The license is bound to a PC.

Further information about installation and activation can be found here.

Group Licenses

An Origin/OriginPro Group License allows the customer to generate a certain number of license files for one serial number. Usually, each user obtains a license file, making Origin or OriginPro run on his/her PC. This license form is appropriate for institutions, which want to make Origin available for a specified group.

Group licenses can only be updated for the complete group.

License type: single machine license, bound to a PC by specific key
License relocation: a license relocation to another PC is possible via the OriginLab User Portal
Languages: German + English

Network Licenses

With Origin/OriginPro Network Licenses "Concurrent Use" (Concurrent Network License), Origin/OriginPro is available for multiple users. A network license always consists of an Origin License Manager (FLEXlm) and one or several increments. The license manager monitors the number of concurrent users (Concurrent Use) and is installed on a central server (Windows, Linux). It monitors the number of concurrent instances independent of the language, German or English.

License type: Network License Concurrent Use, software installation on arbitrary PCs with centralized license manager
License relocation: no issues because software can be installed on any number of PCs
Special: permitted use in one site/institution and one timezone
Languages: German + English
Flexibility: A network license can contain Origin and OriginPro licenses and supports different software versions (backward compatibility, which versions are supported will be announced with new releases).

Student License

The OriginPro Student License is a rental license limited to one year. Its functionalities are the same as in OriginPro with the following restriction: the student can only view and work with 30 windows in an OriginPro Project (OPJ). Updates during runtime are included via download.

The license is available only per download via the ADDITIVE eShop, when the student status has been proved (student card or certificate of matriculation). This license can be installed and used on a PC, which belongs to the registered user, i.e., the university PC is excluded. The license is protected by a license file.

Site and Campus Licenses

OriginLab´s Site and Campus Licenses are available for academic and commercial customers. Special requirements of the customer are taken into account when choosing the appropriate license. This license can combine any of the available license types.

We look forward to provide you with further information. Contact us under 06172-5905-30 or send an e-Mail to: origin@additive-net.de.