

Graph Digitizing Software

The UN-SCAN-IT Graph Digitizer converts graph images to their underlying (x,y) data automatically. UN-SCAN-IT digitizer software works with most image formats (TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, etc.) from any scanner, digital camera, or other image source to digitize plots, strip charts, instrumental output, old graphs, published graphs, etc. In addition to the many graph digitizing features, UN-SCAN-IT also integrates peak areas, smoothes data, takes derivatives, rescales graphs, and exports the (x,y) data for use in other software programs.

If you have ever had to guess at the data values on printed graphs, hold two graphs up to a light to compare features, use a planimeter or cut and weigh technique to find peak areas, or "squint and click" on each point with a digitizing tablet, then you will find UN-SCAN-IT to be an accurate, quick, and easy solution.


  • Convert graph images to useful (x,y) data
  • Turn your scanner into an automatic graph digitizer
  • Automatically digitize strip chart and xy recorder output
  • Digitize graphs that are on different scales to compare results
  • Compare your data with published graphs of other investigators
  • Digitize old plots and charts for comparison with new data
  • Use your computer like an automatic xy digitizing tablet
  • Re-scale and append existing printed graphs
  • Graph data, subtract background, smooth data, fit data, etc.
  • Integrate peak areas without counting squares or using a planimeter
  • Analyze and store hard copy output in digital (x,y) format
  • Prepare publication quality graphs from messy originals
  • Save the data in (x,y) ASCII text, JCAMP, and clipboard format
  • Export the digitized data to spreadsheet, data analysis, and graphics programs
  • more ...
